Hair grows only 1 and half inches every month

When choosing the attire for the evening party, one also thinks and plans in advance on what hair style they wish to sport to the event. This holds true especially for women, who love experimenting and trying to stay in sync with the fashion trends. These days, me too have begun going to salons to try different treatments and styling techniques. Hair is what determines the personality of a person, even if someone is wearing a designer outfit, if they don't have a good mop of hair, they are frowned upon. This is a sign of bad health or the person has not taken care of their hair. Hair loss occurs in both men and women for a variety of reasons. They could be due to bad eating habits, where in the person is not getting required amount of nutrients or vitamins from what they eat; other habits such as chain smoking or abusing drugs which will affect the system thereby reflecting on hair cells. Some of the other reasons are hormonal imbalances, or undergoing harsh treatments for ailments like Cancer or diabetes. It has also been noted that people face hair loss on taking certain medication or after they have undergone surgery.

    It is essential to be aware of the hair care and growth formula that will help those suffering from hair loss issues. Before taking any treatment, one must understand that hair grows only 1 and half inches every month.  They cannot expect miracles to happen overnight, if that is what they want, then a wig or hair extension is there only solution. Today, there are various hair creams and lotions available, that one need to apply on their scalp or take orally.

    For fast hair growth or reduction in hair loss, it is essential to take a look at the patient's personality and lifestyle, and make necessary changes to it. If they eat at odd hours, and unhealthy food is consumed regularly, it must be controlled. They should be educated on the importance of eating a balanced diet to help their body work better. This will also stimulate the hair cells and enable hair growth. Certain shampoos contain high levels of chemicals and even though they are marketed cleverly, one must consult their dermatologist or hair specialist before using them.  Another option would be to start working out regularly, when we do exercise, it increases our metabolism, burns fat into energy and keeps us healthy.

    Thyroid test should be done to see if that is cause for hair loss and necessary medication must be taken regularly to curb hair loss. Gone are the days, when only male members faced hair loss, today women are also observing thinning of hair, receding hairline and hair becoming dry and falling off. If we lose up to 100strands per day, it is considered to be normal, but beyond that is a cause for concern. Consumption of iron rich foods like greens, cabbage, or iron supplement pills will also help reduce hair loss problems.